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  • While we are working in your home, we keep the entire work area draped with plastic/drop cloths as necessary so all your nice things are protected. We don't believe in 'dripless' paint or "being so good we don't need a drop cloth." Accidents do happen and a drop cloth prevents most of them!

  • Next we do the necessary prep work and cleaning (that some painters don't want to do and often skip out on) because we know it is crucial for a great looking and long-lasting paint job!

  • If we're doing anything that makes a lot of dust, we close-off / mask off our work area to minimize the dust going into the rest of your home (nobody likes having to clean up after their contractors).

                cover your stuff because it's important to us to keep
                your stuff nice!

 We believe in protecting your nice things 
  because accidents can always happen! 

  • Where we can, we take the vents down and paint the ducting behind them black to look like shadows instead of ugly duct work. An added benefit of black ducting is it even works if somebody accidentally puts the vents on upside-down. People will still only see shadowy black.

  • Your home is unique, just like you; so we tailor our work to the individual needs of your home at that time and to your desired vision of your space. This usually translates to 2 coats of high-quality paint when there is a color change so you can have the cleanability of modern paints and a better chance of future touch ups disappearing like you want!

 Check out the related article : Paint Doesn't Stick To Dirt! 
 or get your free PDF: Touch Up vs. Repaint Roadmap HERE 

ŠAugust 2010- present. Suzie Paints LLC. All images, text, and sub-pages unless otherwise noted.