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 Suzie Paints Services: Minor Drywall Repair & Wallpaper Removal 

When we repair anything, we try our best to re-texture the repaired area so it blends with its surroundings; this includes using sand-texture or popcorn texture on ceilings!

Replacing some drywall in a ceiling.
When we're hired to paint a room, we can take care of minor drywall repair like door knob holes in walls or patching old receptacle or switch holes where the electrical stuff has been moved. We also fix old curtain rod holes and wall or ceiling cracks.

We also can re-texture damaged areas due to water or changing fixtures.
                          texture repair.

We DO NOT remove wallpaper in areas over 10ft tall without prior negotiation.

Shows how
                          much damage wallpaper can cause to walls.
The most important part to remember with wallpaper is that we cannot see what the wall condition is through the paper and there is no way to estimate the level of wall-damage removing the paper will cause.

We do some wallpaper removal but it is always on a case-by-case basis.  We have to come out and look at the wallpaper you want removed before we can say if we'll do it.

TIP: to see if all the wallpaper paste has been removed, dampen your hand and run it over the wallpapered surface, if it's sticky then there's still paste & it needs to come off before it's painted!
mold you
                          couldn't see because it was behind the

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